The Magical Music Of Harry Potter
14:00Dørene åbner
15:00Forventet start

The Magical Music Of Harry Potter

Ny dato: Mandag den 22. april 2024

Meddelelse fra arrangøren Star Entertainment:

"Due to the Israel/Palestine conflict and Covid cases, our film music concerts are rescheduled to April 2024. These unforeseen events impacted some of our artists and crew's availability, and our substitutes can't cover these dates. Your current tickets are valid for the new dates, and refund options will be available if needed."

Den billet du har modtaget gælder automatisk til den nye dato, og du skal derfor blot møde op til arrangementet på den nye dato med den billet, du allerede har modtaget.

Er du forhindret i at deltage den nye dato, kan billetter refunderes til og med den 02. januar 2024.
Efter refunderingsfristens udløb, er det ikke længere muligt at anmode om refundering. Såfremt du ønsker din billet refunderet, vil vi bede dig udfylde formularen i dette link.

OBS: Hvis din virksomhed har betalt via faktura til dette arrangement, skal du kontakte kundeservice ved at besvare denne mail, og oplyse ordrenummer, kontonummer
og CVR-nr.


Our audience favourite, a special guest from the Harry Potter films and universe, will make the concert unforgettable with all kinds of fun and good humor – as a popular presenter speaks about his experiences as an actor/actress in Harry Potter, and about friendship, adventure, and love in the dangerous world of magicians. Visitors can expect to be enchanted by advanced light and laser technology as well as a unique sound dimension that is guaranteed to leave you with goosebumps. The visual and magical effects are set to let the hearts of all Harry Potter fans beat a little faster, while listening to the concert.