The Music of The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit & The Rings of power in Concert
Ny dato: Søndag den 21. april 2024
Meddelelse fra arrangøren Star Entertainment:
"Due to the Israel/Palestine conflict and Covid cases, our film music concerts are rescheduled to April 2024. These unforeseen events impacted some of our artists and crew's availability, and our substitutes can't cover these dates. Your current tickets are valid for the new dates, and refund options will be available if needed."
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The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbits & The Rings of Power are coming! In a magnificent concert with a film music orchestra, choir, and star guests, the dark voice of “Saruman” actor Sir Christopher Lee introduces you to the musical world of J.R.R. Tolkien: From the threatening sounds of Mordor and the shrill attacks of the Black Riders to the beautiful lyrical melodies of the Elves! A star guest from the original movie cast presents “The music of The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit & The Rings of Power – The Concert”!
In a concert experience with live orchestra, choir, soloists and a special guest from the original productions, the fabulous world of Hobbits, Elves and Orcs is brought to life, and reality is transformed into a musical setting of Middle-earth. An actress or actor from the film sequels or the new Amazon series "The Rings of Power" will be the host of this special evening.
Whether bombastic sounds with timpani and trumpets or filigree tunes from the Elves, the well-known melodies performed by a fantastic orchestra and great soloists immediately evoke images in the mind. Welcome to Middle Earth!